I get asked this question a lot. It depends on a few factors, : is my wig in good condition? : is it human or synthetic fibres? Synthetic fibres takes hundreds of years to de-compose if at all! So what’s the best thing? If you think you wig still has a bit of wear in […]
Browsing the Wig service Category
18 Sep 2019 Wig service by Sara Whyte
If you are undergoing treatment, you may find your eyebrows become thin or you may even loss them all together. Or do you have very fine undefined eyebrows. They is help out there for you. I have found an amazing product from the outstanding Ellen Wille company which may help. Its a high pigment powder […]
Top Pieces
16 Jan 2018 Wig service by Sara Whyte

Is your hair thinning on the top section, a full wig may be too much for you.. Ellen Wille have some amazing top pieces made of synthetic and human hair to suit your needs and budget… They come in many different colours to blend in with your natural hair…they are made in different lengths and […]
What is Friction Frizz? Can I prevent it?
26 Sep 2017 Wig service by Sara Whyte

Friction frizz is known in the wig world like split ends are of the hair world. It only happens to synthetic wigs not human hair wigs. You can use specific products to try and reduce the systems but you will never be able to prevent it. The longer hair wigs are more prone that short […]
Do You Qualify for ‘0’ vat?
09 May 2017 Wig Advice, Wig service by Sara Whyte

Are you undergoing treatment which will cause hair loss? or Do you have severe alopecia? Then you should not pay the VAT on your wig. Customers who require wigs due to any medical reason such as alopecia or hair loss as a result of chemotherapy treatment that causes hair loss, or any other medical condition […]
Frequently Asked Questions
10 Jan 2017 Wig service by Sara Whyte

I get asked many questions about wigs… especially for a new wig wearer.. Here I will address the most common questions…. What is meant by cap construction? 1. Capless – Identified by the open wefting through out the wig allowing the air to circulate. The construction creates volume and lift due to the slight pre- […]
Realistic looking wigs !!!!
03 Jan 2017 Wig service by Sara Whyte
Wigwonders is open after the Christmas and New year break… Welcome to 2017!!!! Opening hours are: Monday to Friday 9am – 6pm Saturday 10am – 5pm Offering a wide variety of different wig manufacturers who supply realistic human hair or synthetic fibre wigs or hairpieces : Trendco, Hairware, Natural Image, Ellen Wille, Gisela Mayer and […]
Christmas opening hours
16 Dec 2016 Wig service by Sara Whyte

Need a wig for Christmas? There are only a few more days to ensure you get your wig in time for Christmas… please contact me, as orders generally take 3 working days to arrive if ordered specially for you… All styling and aftercare products are all in stock… Friday December 23rd Closing at 6pm Saturday […]
Wig slipping?
24 Nov 2015 Wig service by Sara Whyte

Is your wig slipping? There are a few suggestions… 1: Applying a stocking top underneath your wig, this gives another layer which may make the wig tighter… It also helps to keep your own hair neatly tucked away. 2: Comfy Grip, Hypoallergenic silicone headband. It makes your wig more comfortable and it evenly distributes the […]
Frizzy looking wig??? May need some TLC
08 Aug 2015 Wig Advice, Wig service by Sara Whyte

Synthetic wigs do not last forever but you may be able to keep them looking good for a few more months by cutting off the frizzy ends.. Of course the wig will appear shorter but it will prolong its life.. There are also many products on the market that can also help,, spray in conditioning, […]